Search result (100 hits on "research")
Life Cycle Talks: How can social life cycle assessment address social sustainability? With Mathias Lindkvist
Welcome to Life Cycle Talks! A series of talks presenting the research front to keep you up to date with the science and application of the life cycle perspective. Our guest is Mathias Lindkvist, postdoctoral…
Abstract and oral presentation at Transportforum 2022.
Author Sofia Poulikidou, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute; Tomas Rydberg, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute; Anna Wikström, Chalmers University of Technology/Swedish Life Cycle Center; Tomas Ekvall, Tomas Ekvall Research, Review & Assessment (TERRA); Pavinee Nojpanya, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute; Carolina Jogner, Chalmers University of Technology; Anna Ekman Nilsson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB; Jennifer Davis, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB; Johan Nilsson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute; Miguel Brandão, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology; Kristin Johansson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute; Henric Lassesson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Join us for the first Life Cycle Talk of the fall season, featuring Shan Zhang, PhD candidate at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. In her upcoming talk, she will discuss how to assess the…
A common platform for knowledge building and collaboration is crucial to spread and develop the life cycle thinking globally. This project aims for a joint national collaboration to engage organizations to apply a life cycle perspective.
Type Admin project
Time period 2017-01-01 - 2020-05-17
Webinar: Environmental and Economic implications of circularity
Content Closing the loop via reuse, refurbishment, and remanufacturing provides promising avenues to lower environmental impact while remaining profitable. But are all products suitable for a (so-called) circular economy and under what circumstance? This webinar…
Environmentally sound energy production and use are central components in a sustainable society. Much could be gained by coordinating data management in order to provide open LCA-data that can be used by authorities, companies, and researchers to consistently and efficiently analyze environmental performance.
Type Research project
Time period 2015-09-01 - 2016-05-31
The pursuit for win-wins has a long history. From an understanding of the relationship between environmental performance and economic activity, the need for environmentally sustainable business models has emerged. The purpose of this project is to grow the knowledge, capacity, and application of Business Model Life Cycle Assessment (BMLCA).
Type Research project
Time period 2023-09-01 - Ongoing
News from the Scientific director Greg Peters Here is the latest Update from the Swedish Life Cycle Center’s Scientific Director. If you would like to draw attention to some progress which researchers your…
Life Cycle Talks: How to assess the environmental performance of emerging technologies? With Matty Janssen
Welcome to Life Cycle Talks! A series of talks presenting the research front to keep you up to date with the science and application of the life cycle perspective. Our next guest is Matty Janssen,…
Apologies for the somewhat long gap since my last Scientific Directions update – the SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium blasted everything else off the second half of my 2024 agenda that wasn’t rusted on. And…
Network Conference: The role of life cycle thinking in a circular economy
We welcome partners and invited guests to participate in the upcoming network conference arranged by Swedish Life Cycle Center and the project Swedish platform for the life cycle perspective (funded by Swedish Energy Agency) on Wednesday February 7, 2018 in Gothenburg.
This project focuses on global biodiversity loss caused by human activities that affect species and ecosystems negatively. The main goal is to exchange insights about efforts and initiate collaboration to address biodiversity challenges in agriculture, forestry, and marine activities.
Type Working group
Time period 2022-09-01 - Ongoing
Video Lecture: Thirty years of research on Life Cycle Assessment 26 years ago, Swedish Life Cycle Center started its journey. A journey built on a common need between academia, industry,…
Conference reflections and report from 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019) The 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019) took place between 1rd– 4thSeptember 2019 in city of Poznan, Poland.
Webinar #2: Innovative LCA tools: Exploring Premise, Activity Browser and Brightway
Welcome to the second webinar in the series “Innovative LCA tools: Exploring Premise, Activity Browser and Brightway”. Our speakers will share personal reflections, demonstrate streamlined workflows, and unveil the potential of innovative LCA tools…
Webinar: Applying life cycle thinking when assessing climate impact of the Swedish transport system
Transport systems have several unique properties that make them different from many products and services that are analysed with LCA. How can a life cycle perspective be applied in that context? In this webinar, the…
The method for modeling material recycling can have a decisive impact on the environmental assessment of products with a high content of recycled material or material that is recycled after use. How recycling should be modeled in LCA has been discussed since the 90's but no consensus has yet been reached. The project is expected to result in increased competence and in consensus on certain aspects of the modeling of recycling in LCA.
Type Research project
Time period 2018-11-15 - 2020-05-31
A group consisting of University partners to discuss questions related to education and interests in LCA from an academic point of view. The aim of the group is to gather researchers from our University partners to discuss topics related to education at university level.
Type Working group
Time period 2017-06-12 - Ongoing
Two-day course in Applied life cycle thinking November 2022 – ONLINE
The life cycle perspective, understanding the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout the value chain, is gaining increased importance in business as well as in public sector and authorities. In this two-day course…
LCA data is used by organizations to measure, follow up and reduce environmental and social impact. For the Swedish life Cycle Center it is important to contribute to making LCA data more accessible and transparent globally and therefor this expert group has been established.
Type Expert group
Time period 2015-01-01 - 2020-11-30
Background There are today several methods and frameworks to analyze and measure sustainable development. Common features of these methods and frameworks are that they require comprehensive investigations, involve subjective assessments, and lead to results that…
Type Research project
Time period 2016-04-18 - 2017-01-19
In a changing world where the vehicles of tomorrow will have a different design compared to those of today new challenges will occur. LCA & vehicles have gathered leading automobile companies in Sweden together with researchers to discuss upcoming questions within LCA.
Type Working group
Time period 2017-04-25 - 2019-12-31
Working group meeting: Biodiversity & LCA
Current status of LCA and biodiversity assessments and ongoing research Aim: Common understanding of current research status related to biodiversity assessments in LCA in different ecosystems. Discussion issues (topics): Potential Workshop Theme Outcome: Overview of research…
There is a need of working with/handle social aspects in a (harmonized) structured way throughout the entire life cycle in complement to environmental-LCA. The group focus on how social-Life Cycle Assessment can be applied within our partner organizations.
Type Working group
Time period 2014-03-03 - 2020-09-30
Methods for environmental footprinting of products and services have been and are being developed all over the world. Two methods to measure environmental performance throughout the lifecycle, the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the Organisation…
Type Expert group
Time period 2014-01-01 - 2022-08-01
EPS (Environmental Priority Strategies in product design) is a systematic approach to choose between design options in product and process development.
Type Research project
Time period 1989-01-16 - 2022-05-31
Summary The European Commission developed a framework for life cycle assessment (LCA) denoted Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) in collaboration with representatives from the EU Member States, industry, and researchers.
Author Tomas Ekvall, TERRA; Katarina Lorentzon, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden; Elin Einarson Lindvall, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden; Sara Palander, Swedish Life Cycle Center
The project aims to increase the Swedish collaboration within the life cycle-field and contribute to knowledge exchange, competence building and increased understanding of the life cycle perspective.
Type Admin project
Time period 2020-06-01 - Ongoing
Two-day course in Applied life cycle thinking, at Chalmers University of Technology
The life cycle perspective, understanding the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout the value chain, is gaining increased importance in business as well as in public sector and authorities. In this two-day course…
There is no holistic way to handle the issue of biodiversity loss and land use when making an LCA. The aim of the working group is to share experience and best practive on how to deal with biodiversity and land use and how to contribute to existing international and national initiatives.
Type Working group
Time period 2012-01-01 - 2021-12-31
Introduction Many different approaches are used in the LCA community. Attempts to harmonize LCA has resulted in a multitude of conflicting guidelines and standards. Confusion is created because the guidelines and standards are…
Type Working group
Time period 2022-09-01 - 2023-02-28
Introduction The European Commission launched Environmental Footprint methods to measure and communicate the environmental performance of products (both goods and services) and organizations across their life cycle, from raw material extraction or cultivation…
Type Research project
Time period 2022-11-01 - 2023-01-31