Joint effort to move
the life cycle field

About Swedish life Cycle Center


Founded in 1996 and hosted by Chalmers University of Technology, the Swedish Life Cycle Center is a center of excellence and collaboration platform for academia, research institutes, industry and government agencies. It fosters competence-building and knowledge exchange in advancing and applying the life cycle field. With its multidisciplinary methodology and collaboration between researchers, practitioners and decision-makers, the Center is a recognized player in the field. By bringing together Swedish life cycle competence and front-running companies, it has been instrumental in developing and adopting life cycle approaches within Swedish society and making important contributions to international initiatives.


The Center’s vision is “credible and applied life cycle thinking globally” and the mission is to work for the integration of the life cycle perspective into processes and decision-making in industry, government policy and other parts of society. It is a partner-driven collaboration, with the partners setting the agenda and managing all the activities. Today, the Center consists of a network of some 500 people (between the various partners) involved in research projects, working groups (for learning) and expert groups (for impact and influence), training (professionals and higher education) and in networking and communication activities (internal conferences, webinars etc.).

“Swedish Life Cycle Center has been instrumental for the development and
adoption of the life cycle perspective 
in Swedish companies and
has made important contributions to international standardization
in the life cycle field.”


Professor Emerita Anne-Marie Tillman, one of the founders of the Center

Our mission

Our mission is to work for the integration of the life cycle perspective into processes and decision making in industry, government policy and other parts of society. The increased application of the life cycle perspective leads to increasedresource efficiency that enhances sustainable production and consumption patterns, new innovations, and a sustainable circular economy. The life cycle perspective opens possibilities of working towards our common sustainability challenges and sustainable development goals.

How we work

No matter what activities we perform the foundation is:

  • Relevant & scientifically based methods, practices & tools
  • Support the competence & knowledge building
  • Influence national & international initiatives

Operational plan, 2022-2024

Research strategy, 2022-2024

Long lasting commitment

The Center has a history of more than 25 years and has become a credible, well known platform for life cycle professionals in Sweden. It was founded as Competence Centre for Environmental Assessment of Product and Material Systems, CPM, in 1996 as a joint effort between Nutek (later VINNOVA), Chalmers University of Technology and a range of international companies. Curious in the development of life cycle assessment throughout these years, see the video lecture: Thirty years of life cycles.

The partnership

At the Swedish Life Cycle Center, we promote collaboration through various means. This includes hosting a dialogue group with nine government agencies in Sweden, forming formal partnerships with small and medium-sized companies, and building global alliances with other life cycle organizations. Our flexible platform empowers partners to align our resources with their specific objectives and aspirations. To learn more about the opportunities we provide, visit our partner page here.

This is a value-adding partnership

• Obtain tools and inspiration for new strategies and working processes to implement in your operations. 

• Set the research agenda for joint efforts. 

• Collaborate in joint research projects with academia, research institutes and partners in industry and authorities involved. 

• Capacity building through close contact with other experts within the life cycle field. 

• Obtain access to high quality decision support and a network of almost 500 life cycle professionals. 

• Find new ways to manage long-term sustainability. 

• Make a larger impact through joint efforts to influence national and international initiatives. 

• Benchmark the partners within the center. 

• Be highlighted as a frontrunner in sustainability. Your good examples, research and other initiatives are communicated by Swedish Life Cycle Center. 

• Access to web forum for close contact with partners and regular updates. 


Asker Healthcare logotype
CEVT logotype
Electrolux logotyp
Swedish Energy Protection Agency

In collaboration with

Logtype CHM Analytics
Dalemarken AB logotyp
Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation
Logo: Life Cycle Initiative
Nilu logotype
SCB logotype
Logotype Swedac
Visual interpretation: Logotype Swedish energy agency
TERRA logotype

Join the network

There are different ways of interaction:

  1. Become a partner and get access to all results, activities and discussions.
  2. Arrange a conference, seminar or workshop together with us.
  3. Attend a life cycle training.
  4. Follow our news on LinkedIn and in public newsletters.