Search result (100 hits on "partner")
A group consisting of University partners to discuss questions related to education and interests in LCA from an academic point of view. The aim of the group is to gather researchers from our University partners to discuss topics related to education at university level.
Type Working group
Time period 2017-06-12 - Ongoing
Omvärldbevakningsträff för partners: Hur LCA bedrivs på företag
Please note that this invitation is to partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center and will be held in Swedish. If you have any questions please contact Omvärldbevakningsträff för partners: Hur LCA bedrivs på företag…
Conference reflections and report from 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019) The 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019) took place between 1rd– 4thSeptember 2019 in city of Poznan, Poland.
Information meeting: Strengthen the collaboration and move the life cycle field forward!
Swedish Life Cycle Center welcomes new partners and invites interested organizations to an information meeting to learn more about Swedish Life Cycle Center, how we work and take part of results implemented in business and among…
Information meeting: Strengthen the collaboration and move the life cycle field forward!
Swedish Life Cycle Center welcomes new partners and invites interested organizations to an information meeting to learn more about Swedish Life Cycle Center, how we work and take part of results implemented in business and among…
After twelve years at the Swedish Life Cycle Center, Sara Palander, will leave her position as a Director of the Center. Sara has during her leadership built and managed the Swedish Life Cycle Center’s operations…
News from the Scientific director Greg Peters Here is the latest Update from the Swedish Life Cycle Center’s Scientific Director. If you would like to draw attention to some progress which researchers your…
Introduction Many different approaches are used in the LCA community. Attempts to harmonize LCA has resulted in a multitude of conflicting guidelines and standards. Confusion is created because the guidelines and standards are…
Type Working group
Time period 2022-09-01 - 2023-02-28
Webinar: Putting a cost on environmental damages – a method for innovation
Content The webinar starts with a presentation of the monetizing project, IMP (Integration of environment and economy in product development gives opportunity for innovations) and the steps that are planned for the step 2 application.
The year is coming to an end and so is the current stage of the Swedish Life Cycle Center’s operations (stage 9). The Technical secretariat together with all partners are now planning for a new…
Data and methodology is an ever changing topic for our parteners. In this group they have the possibility to discuss questions participants alike.
Type Working group
Time period 2012-06-14 - Ongoing
The aim of the group is to increase the collaboration between government agencies regarding the life cycle perspective and partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center by sharing experiences and knowledge building.
Type Working group
Time period 2015-11-20 - Ongoing
Informations- och dialogträff för Kompetenscentrum-ansökan till Energimyndigheten
The invitation below is in Swedish, but upon request the meeting can be held in English. Vi välkomnar nu partners och intresserade organisationer till en andra informations- och dialogträff onsdagen den 28 april kl. 09.00-10.00…
The project aims to increase the Swedish collaboration within the life cycle-field and contribute to knowledge exchange, competence building and increased understanding of the life cycle perspective.
Type Admin project
Time period 2020-06-01 - Ongoing
She has been there from the start of the Swedish Life Cycle Center and has seen the life cycle perspective reach more and more parts of society. The center’s new chairman, Susan Iliefski-Janols from Essity,…
Dialogue meeting for government agencies
Agenda Welcome and Introduction (by Anna Wikström, Swedish Life Cycle Center) Meeting focus: Verification. Speakers: Elisabeth Hallin-Bergvall, Swedac Raul Carlsson, RISE Bureau Veritas (to be confirmed) External Environment – What’s happening within respective authorities (all)…
Life Cycle Talks is a series of talks presenting the research front to keep you up to date with the science and application of the life cycle perspective.
Type Webinar
Time period 2022-06-16 - Ongoing
Environmental Footprint Expert group – focus on Electricity modelling
Welcome to this meeting in the Environment Footprint Expert group. The aim of the group is to follow, understand and impact the development of the Environmental Footprint (EF) methodologies (PEF and OEF). Exchange information and…
This project aims to explore and influence the development of Environmental Footprint methods (PEF and OEF). It also facilitates knowledge exchange among life cycle experts, partners, and stakeholders to discuss EF methodologies and their integration into EU and national policies.
Type Expert group
Time period 2022-08-01 - Ongoing