20th Anniversary Conference: From thinking to action
On November 23 Swedish Life Cycle Center will celebrate its 20th anniversary as a national competence center. In this spirit we welcome your participation in an inspiring day of presentations and discussions with regard to the impact that life cycle thinking has had in the past 20 years and what to expect in the future.
We welcome you to participate in the conference From thinking to action: Life Cycle thinking in retrospect and its future impact on research, industry and society. Swedish Life Cycle Center’s partners, as well as national and international actors in the field, will share knowledge and insight on life cycle thinking and perspectives from the past 20 years and what to expect in the future.
The number of seats are limted.
Program at a glance
• The impact from 20 years of life cycle perspective as told by the Center’s partners.
• Up-to-date subjects and activities presented by experts within Swedish Life Cycle Center.
• Trendspotting with experts and partners on the future role of life cycle thinking.
• Life cycle thinking in an international perspective.
• Exchange and networking.
For further questions about the event or Swedish Life Cycle Center please contact Carl Karheiding: [email protected]
Helle Herk-Hansen, Vattenfall, Vice President Environment Strategic Development
Helle has more than 18 years of experience in working with Sustainability, Environmental Management, Health and Safety, Supply chain ethics, Public Affairs and Risk Management in the Energy sector. Helle will talk about how working with LCT and EPD has affected Vattenfall in the long run. What was known in the beginning and what results they have gained 20 years later.
Dr Rana Pant, European Commission, Joint Research Centre Directorate Sustainable Resources – Bio-Economy Unit
Since Rana joined the European Commission in the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, he has been dealing with applying Life Cycle Thinking to solid waste management, Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA), the European Platform on LCA (EPLCA) and the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook.
Further speakers:
Prof Ann-Marie Tillman, Chalmers
Anna-Karin Jönbrink, Swerea
Lena Callermo, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Dr Llorenç Milà i Canals, UNEP
Susan Illiefski- Janols, SCA
Sannjeevan Baja, FICCI Quality Forum