Network conference | Let’s meet and talk LCA about Environmental Footprints

Date:Thursday, 20 February, 2020 Time:12:00 - 16:30

Welcome to a network conference about the European Environmental Footprint process and updates from the Swedish Life Cycle Center. 

The day will start with a vegetarian mingle lunch and continue with an initial part on updates from the center, the project Swedish platform for life cycle perspective and presentations from our newest partners Scania on their life cycle work. The main focus for the afternoon will be on the Environmental Footprint transition phase – from methodological discussions to benefits and obstacles for the application and policy development.

There will be room for group discussions around the Environmental Footprints and the aim is to both give you an overview of the transition phase and give you the time to reflect and discuss.


12:00-13:00 Vegetarian mingle lunch

13:00 Welcome by the Board and Presentation from Erik Nellström, Scania

13:30 Presentations about the European Environmental Footprint process

15:15 Round table discussions and Panel on the European Environmental Footprint process, moderated by Anna Woodhouse (RISE)

16:30 The conference ends with an after work

Speakers and presentations

Imola Bedo, Policy Officer European Commission (on link)

Imola Bedo is part of the Environmental Footprint team at the European Commission. She will talk about the main objectives for developing Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and what goals that could be achieved with PEF.

Gustav Sandin Albertsson, EPD International and IVL

Gustav Sandin Albertsson is a part of EPD International Secretariat and he will talk about EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) and its relation to PEF.

Cecilia Mattsson, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Cecilia Mattsson works at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is part of the Nordic Environmental Footprint Group. She will talk about Environmental Footprint transition phase from a Swedish perspective.

Erik Nellström, Scania

Erik Nellström works as a Product Property Manager at Scania. He will, together with Dora Burul, present how Scania works with life cycle thinking and LCA.

Dora Burul, Scania

Dora Burul works as a development engineer, sustainability at Scania. She will, together with Erik Nellström, present how Scania works with life cycle thinking and LCA.

Anna Woodhouse, RISE

Anna Woodhouse works as a researcher at RISE and she will present a study of the Nordic Agrifood sector and its attitudes to PEF.

Register no later than February 17 (Registration below). 

Questions? Welcome to contact [email protected]

If you are new to EF you can read more about it here and if you are interested in knowing how the center is part of the process you can find information about that here.

This network conference is arranged by Swedish Life Cycle Center and the project Swedish platform for the life cycle perspective, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and partners.



Drottning Kristinas väg 61
, Stockholm
Map Unavailable Longitude: 0 Latitude: 0


Free of charge.

For partners and government agencies in collaboration with the center and the project Swedish platform for the life cycle perspective, and members of the expert group Environmental footprint.