Search result (100 hits on "conference")
Conference reflections and report from 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019) The 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019) took place between 1rd– 4thSeptember 2019 in city of Poznan, Poland.
LCM 2013 (the 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management) was hosted by CPM – the Swedish Life Cycle Center. It was arranged in Gothenburg 2013, 25-28 August.
Type Admin project
Time period 2013-08-25 - 2013-08-28
A common platform for knowledge building and collaboration is crucial to spread and develop the life cycle thinking globally. This project aims for a joint national collaboration to engage organizations to apply a life cycle perspective.
Type Admin project
Time period 2017-01-01 - 2020-05-17
Network Conference: The role of life cycle thinking in a circular economy
We welcome partners and invited guests to participate in the upcoming network conference arranged by Swedish Life Cycle Center and the project Swedish platform for the life cycle perspective (funded by Swedish Energy Agency) on Wednesday February 7, 2018 in Gothenburg.
More information about the LCM 2013 conference Official conference website …
Author Sara Palander, Swedish Life Cycle Center & Emma Rex, Swedish Life Cycle Center
The Nordic Dialogue Forum for LCA, climate and buildings is developed in collaboration with the Nordic building authorities with the purpose is to give input to Nordic harmonization of life cycle assessment of climate emissions…
Type Working group
Time period 2019-10-03 - 2023-03-31
After twelve years at the Swedish Life Cycle Center, Sara Palander, will leave her position as a Director of the Center. Sara has during her leadership built and managed the Swedish Life Cycle Center’s operations…
Apologies for the somewhat long gap since my last Scientific Directions update – the SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium blasted everything else off the second half of my 2024 agenda that wasn’t rusted on. And…
Background The overall aim of the project is to provide companies and other actors with valuation factors for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases as well as for energy and other natural resources, that can…
Type Research project
Time period 2013-05-01 - 2015-01-31
Monetary valuation of environmental impacts is increasingly used as a basis for decisions in environmental and sustainability issues. This project aims to develop a methodology to communicate environmental damage cost data.
Type Research project
Time period 2016-10-01 - 2018-06-30
The year of 2019 has almost come to an end and we are happy to say that is has been a year filled with new collaborations and inspiring network activites. The Swedish Life Cycle Centers…
This report is a summary of the round table discussion on the network conference about European Environmental Footprints (methods and applications). The conference took part on February 20, 2020 in Stockholm with life cycle professionals…
Author Swedish Life Cycle Center Technical Secretariat
Methods for environmental footprinting of products and services have been and are being developed all over the world. Two methods to measure environmental performance throughout the lifecycle, the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the Organisation…
Type Expert group
Time period 2014-01-01 - 2022-08-01
Background 2009 the first handbook on social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) was published by the UN environmental program (UNEP). From its origin as an environmental tool, life cycle assessment is now being developed in towards…
Type Research project
Time period 2019-10-01 - 2020-03-31
There is a need of working with/handle social aspects in a (harmonized) structured way throughout the entire life cycle in complement to environmental-LCA. The group focus on how social-Life Cycle Assessment can be applied within our partner organizations.
Type Working group
Time period 2014-03-03 - 2020-09-30
Chapter in conference book Designing Sustainable Technologies, Products and Policies, pp 157-161, Springer. (8th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM), September 2017, Luxembourg City.) Find publication here…
Author Sara Palander, Lena Landström
Accepted abstract/Conference presentation in the 8th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM), September 2017, Luxembourg City.
Author Sara Palander, Anna Wikström, Karl Carheiding
Accepted abstract for conference presentation at the Life Cycle Innovation Conference (LCIC), August 2018, Berlin.
Author Carl Karheiding, Anna Björklund, Tomas Ekvall, Emma Rex, Karin Sanne
Webinar: EU Environmental Footprint – industrial experiences & updates on the policy process
Welcome to join the webinar EU Environmental Footprint – industrial experiences & updates on the policy process arranged by the Swedish Life Cycle Center within the project Environmental Footprint in Sweden, funded by Vinnova. The…
The year is coming to an end and so is the current stage of the Swedish Life Cycle Center’s operations (stage 9). The Technical secretariat together with all partners are now planning for a new…
Oral presentation at Life Cycle Innovation Conference 2022 (LCIC).
Author Sara Palander, Swedish Life Cycle Center; Maria Rydberg, Swedish Life Cycle Center & Marie-Louise Lagerstedt Eidrup, Chalmers industriteknik & Swedish Life Cycle Center
Abstract The Swedish Life Cycle Center brings together Swedish life cycle competence and front-running companies. It has been instrumental in developing and adopting life cycle approaches in the Swedish society, whilst making important contributions to…
Author Sara Palander, Anna Wikström and Maria Rydberg, Swedish Life Cycle Center