Search result (100 hits on "Board meeting")
Network Conference: The role of life cycle thinking in a circular economy
We welcome partners and invited guests to participate in the upcoming network conference arranged by Swedish Life Cycle Center and the project Swedish platform for the life cycle perspective (funded by Swedish Energy Agency) on Wednesday February 7, 2018 in Gothenburg.
The Nordic Dialogue Forum for LCA, climate and buildings is developed in collaboration with the Nordic building authorities with the purpose is to give input to Nordic harmonization of life cycle assessment of climate emissions…
Type Working group
Time period 2019-10-03 - 2023-03-31
This project aims to explore and influence the development of Environmental Footprint methods (PEF and OEF). It also facilitates knowledge exchange among life cycle experts, partners, and stakeholders to discuss EF methodologies and their integration into EU and national policies.
Type Expert group
Time period 2022-08-01 - Ongoing
Methods for environmental footprinting of products and services have been and are being developed all over the world. Two methods to measure environmental performance throughout the lifecycle, the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the Organisation…
Type Expert group
Time period 2014-01-01 - 2022-08-01
Dialogue meeting for government agencies
Agenda Welcome and Introduction (by Anna Wikström, Swedish Life Cycle Center) Meeting focus: Verification. Speakers: Elisabeth Hallin-Bergvall, Swedac Raul Carlsson, RISE Bureau Veritas (to be confirmed) External Environment – What’s happening within respective authorities (all)…
Environmental Footprint Expert group – focus on Electricity modelling
Welcome to this meeting in the Environment Footprint Expert group. The aim of the group is to follow, understand and impact the development of the Environmental Footprint (EF) methodologies (PEF and OEF). Exchange information and…
The aim of the group is to increase the collaboration between government agencies regarding the life cycle perspective and partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center by sharing experiences and knowledge building.
Type Working group
Time period 2015-11-20 - Ongoing
Environmental footprint expert group meeting: Circular economy action plan
The Circular economy action plan and its relation to the product and organizational footprint will be discussed by life cycle professionals within Swedish Life Cycle Center and other representatives on September 29. What actions will…
Information meeting: Strengthen the collaboration and move the life cycle field forward!
Swedish Life Cycle Center welcomes new partners and invites interested organizations to an information meeting to learn more about Swedish Life Cycle Center, how we work and take part of results implemented in business and among…
Information meeting: Strengthen the collaboration and move the life cycle field forward!
Swedish Life Cycle Center welcomes new partners and invites interested organizations to an information meeting to learn more about Swedish Life Cycle Center, how we work and take part of results implemented in business and among…
Strategic intelligence meeting: EU policies and its relevance to the circular transition of Swedish industrial companies
The Swedish Life Cycle Center strategic intelligence meeting on EU policies and its relevance to the circular transition of Swedish industrial companies, is organized within the Innovation cluster for the life cycle perspective. This Strategic…
Reading Circle on the updated General Programme Instructions of the International EPD® System
Content: The General Programme Instructions of the International EPD® System are currently being updated, and any stakeholder is welcome to provide feedback during the open consultation until mid-December. This…
Dialogue meeting for government agencies
Agenda Welcome and introduction (by Anna Wikström, Swedish Life Cycle Center) Presentation of the new agency in collaboration: Swedac by Elisabeth Hallin-Bergvall Dialogue: Policy-driven need for life cycle competence development in authorities Dialogue: How authorities…
Environmental footprint Expert group meeting – Carbon Footprint of Electric Vehicle Batteries
The European Commission has published a draft delegated act on mandatory calculation and verification of carbon footprint of electric vehicle batteries (Batteries for electric vehicles – carbon footprint methodology) is running a consultation, deadline…
Environmental Footprint Expert group – reading circle PEFCR Apparel and footwear
Welcome to this meeting in the Environment Footprint Expert group. The aim of the group is to follow, understand and impact the development of the Environmental Footprint (EF) methodologies (PEF and OEF). Exchange information and…
Project idea workshop – spin off ideas from the project Modeling of recycling
A meeting will be arranged within Swedish Life Cycle Center together with Tomas Ekvall at Chalmers to discuss and develop project ideas originated from the successful and appreciated project Modeling of Recycling with interested researchers,…
Webinar #4: Standardization and harmonization in LCA – What could and should be standardized in LCA?
The aim of this meeting is to reach a common understanding of the multitude of LCA-related international and European standards. Discuss what is important to include and what to exclude in the standards. This meeting…
Public consultation: Sustainable products initiative
The Circular economy action plan describes the potential role of the Environmental footprint methods, for the revised Ecodesign directive and to substantiate green claims. Swedish Life Cycle Center’s Environmental footprint expert group will discuss the…
News from the Scientific director Greg Peters Here is the latest Update from the Swedish Life Cycle Center’s Scientific Director. If you would like to draw attention to some progress which researchers your…