Reading Circle on the updated General Programme Instructions of the International EPD® System

Date:Wednesday, 29 November, 2023 Time:09:00 - 10:30 CET

Where: Online with Zoom
Cost: Free of charge
For whom: Participants in the working group LCA Data & Methodology, and partners and SMEs and government agencies in collaboration with Swedish Life Cycle Center. Registration through separate meeting invitation. Contact if you would like to join.


The General Programme Instructions of the International EPD® System are currently being updated, and any stakeholder is welcome to provide feedback during the open consultation until mid-December.

This meeting is held as a reading circle to scrutinize and discuss the proposed contents of the draft with a special focus on LCA methodology. The meeting aims to raise awareness of the planned changes and to improve the individual comments submitted by each organization during the open consultation. The meeting does not aim to reach consensus on topics discussed, and it will not result in any joint answer to the open consultation.

Target group:

Professionals that are creating, verifying, or using EPDs.


Please prepare for the meeting by reading the draft General Programme Instructions and preparing some key topics that you would like to discuss. In case of lack of time, focus your attention on Annex A: General LCA method.

The draft document (version 5.0) is available via:


  1. Welcome to the meeting
  2. Short introductory round
  3. Discussion on Annex A: General LCA method
  4. Discussion on remaining chapters
  5. Next step


The discussion is chaired by Kristian Jelse, Greendesk