Strategic intelligence meeting: EU policies and its relevance to the circular transition of Swedish industrial companies

Date:Tuesday, 20 June, 2023 Time:09:00 - 10:15

The Swedish Life Cycle Center strategic intelligence meeting on EU policies and its relevance to the circular transition of Swedish industrial companies, is organized within the Innovation cluster for the life cycle perspective.

This Strategic intelligence meeting aims to give you an overview of different EU policies within the European Green Deal and with an insight into what is happening within PEF-development (Product Environmental Footprint).


  • Welcome and introduction by Anna Wikström, Swedish Life Cycle Center
  • Presentation “EU policies and its relevance to the circular transition of Swedish industrial companies” by Lukas Hallquist & Emanuela Vanacore, Sustainable Business at RISE
  • Presentation “What is happening within PEF right now and in the future?” by Björn Spak, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Group discussion:

Reflections and questions to the presenters

How are you affected by EU policies?

How can we support each other?

Suggestions on relevant activities for the Swedish Life Cycle Center to carry out

  • Sum-up

Lukas Hallquist & Emanuela Vanacore Sustainable Business, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Björn Spak, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Anna Wikström, Swedish Life Cycle Center

For questions, please contact the Technical secretariat, [email protected]


Join the meeting

When: June 20, 2023

Time: 09.00-10.15 CEST

Where: Online with Zoom (Link will be sent with meeting invitation)

Cost: Free of charge

For whom: Partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center, SMEs and Government agencies in collaboration with the Center. Registration through separate meeting invitation. Contact [email protected] if you would like to join.