Search result (60 hits on "Monetary valuation")
Monetary valuation of environmental impacts is increasingly used as a basis for decisions in environmental and sustainability issues. This project aims to develop a methodology to communicate environmental damage cost data.
Type Research project
Time period 2016-10-01 - 2018-06-30
Background The overall aim of the project is to provide companies and other actors with valuation factors for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases as well as for energy and other natural resources, that can…
Type Research project
Time period 2013-05-01 - 2015-01-31
Background There are many ways to assess and quantify resource efficiency, from simple measures of how much of a particular resource is needed for a particular product to more general measures that…
Type Research project
Time period 2018-11-15 - 2020-10-31
Swedish Life Cycle Center has, through the development of the EPS-method and a number of projects, been discussing monetarization for several years. With this group and related activities we hope to contribute to the discussion and implentation of "right prices".
Type Working group
Time period 2010-01-01 - 2019-12-31
Since 2016, the center has a close collaboration with seven Swedish government agencies. They meet on a regular basis to share experience and build common knowledge in the life cycle field. These authorities play important roles…
Workshop on Stimulating Innovative and Sustainable Business Decisions
The 10th of October 2016, there will be a workshop in Gothenburg within the project Integration of environment and economy in product development gives opportunity for innovation. The workshop will provide opportunities for discussion, as…
The project intended to strengthen the long-term competitiveness of the manufacturing industry through a pro-active risk management. It considers both environmental aspects as well as economic value, early in the product development phase.
Type Research project
Time period 2013-11-01 - 2016-10-01
Choosing a monetary value of greenhouse gases in assessment tools – A comprehensive review. Journal Article in Journal of Cleaner Production vol. 127 (2016), pp 37-48. Find…
Author Lena Isacs, Göran Finnveden, Lisbeth Dahllöf, Cecilia Håkansson, Linnea Petersson, Bengt Steen, Lennart Swanström, Anna Wikström
The year of 2019 has almost come to an end and we are happy to say that is has been a year filled with new collaborations and inspiring network activites. The Swedish Life Cycle Centers…
Introduction Many different approaches are used in the LCA community. Attempts to harmonize LCA has resulted in a multitude of conflicting guidelines and standards. Confusion is created because the guidelines and standards are…
Type Working group
Time period 2022-09-01 - 2023-02-28
Conference reflections and report from 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019) The 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019) took place between 1rd– 4thSeptember 2019 in city of Poznan, Poland.
A common platform for knowledge building and collaboration is crucial to spread and develop the life cycle thinking globally. This project aims for a joint national collaboration to engage organizations to apply a life cycle perspective.
Type Admin project
Time period 2017-01-01 - 2020-05-17
Measuring Eco-efficiency by a LCC/LCA Ratio. An evaluation of the Applicability, A case study at ABB
Author Lyrstedt, Fredrik
Breakfast seminar: Valuation of environmental impact and natural resources – How is it done in a reasonable way?
Värdering av miljöpåverkan och naturresurser är ett kraftfullt verktyg för att kommunicera värden som normalt inte ryms i en årsredovisning, men hur bör ett företag hantera sådana värderingar? Den 1-3 februari kommer en grupp ledande…
Life Cycle Talks: Why do we need a life cycle perspective on negative emissions? With Cecilia Sundberg
Welcome to Life Cycle Talks! A series of talks presenting the research front to keep you up to date with the science and application of the life cycle perspective. Our next guest is Cecilia Sundberg,…
Life Cycle Talks: LCA for optimization in early design phases of buildings. With Alexander Hollberg
Welcome to Life Cycle Talks! A series of talks presenting the research front to keep you up to date with the science and application of the life cycle perspective. Our next guest is Alexander Hollberg,…
Background The project was initiated due absence of involvement by lyfe cycle analysts in production development. In order to steer development in production towards enhancements that is beneficial economically and has little impact on the…
Type Research project
Time period 2011-03-01 - 2014-12-31
EPS (Environmental Priority Strategies in product design) is a systematic approach to choose between design options in product and process development.
Type Research project
Time period 1989-01-16 - 2022-05-31
DANTES is an acronym for Demonstrate and Assess New Tools for Environmental Sustainability. The main purpose of the DANTES project was to collect, exchange and present information and experiences from using different tools for environmental sustainability.
Type Research project
Time period 2002-09-01 - 2005-08-31