Life Cycle Talks: LCA for optimization in early design phases of buildings. With Alexander Hollberg
Welcome to Life Cycle Talks! A series of talks presenting the research front to keep you up to date with the science and application of the life cycle perspective. Our next guest is Alexander Hollberg, Associate Professor in Computational Sustainable Design in the Division of Building Technology at Chalmers University of Technology. He will talk about using LCA for optimization in early design phases of buildings and show us different examples of application, such as structural optimization of ceilings or energy renovation of residential buildings.
“Climate declarations for buildings are mandatory in Sweden, now. This is a great step forward. However, we also need to take the next step from declaring emissions to reducing emissions.” Says Alexander Hollberg .
Alexander Hollberg is Associate Professor for Computational Sustainable Design in the Division of Building Technology, at Chalmers. He joined the research group Sustainable Building to work on developing methods and tools that facilitate the design of sustainable buildings and cities. The digital tools are used to assess, optimize, and visualize the design’s performance in real-time (energy, LCA, LCC, daylight, etc.). The goal is to provide decision-makers with necessary information in the early design stages.
Alexander is also co-founder and scientific advisor at CAALA, a software and consulting startup based in Munich, Germany.
More information
Research group Sustainable Building
Hollberg, A., Genova, G., & Habert, G. (2020). Evaluation of BIM-based LCA results for building design. Automation in Construction, 109(September 2019), 102972.
Hollberg, A., & Ruth, J. (2016). LCA in architectural design—a parametric approach. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21(7), 943–960.
Join the Life Cycle Talks
Date: August 29, 2023
Time: 10.00-10.30 CEST
Place: Online on Zoom
Price: Free of charge
For whom: Public
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