Search result (29 hits on "labels and declarations")
Introduction Many different approaches are used in the LCA community. Attempts to harmonize LCA has resulted in a multitude of conflicting guidelines and standards. Confusion is created because the guidelines and standards are…
Type Working group
Time period 2022-09-01 - 2023-02-28
DANTES is an acronym for Demonstrate and Assess New Tools for Environmental Sustainability. The main purpose of the DANTES project was to collect, exchange and present information and experiences from using different tools for environmental sustainability.
Type Research project
Time period 2002-09-01 - 2005-08-31
In this project, the possibility of standardizing a simplified structure of concepts for system analysis through discrete choice of system boundaries will be investigated. The purpose is to reduce the complexity of system analysis sustainability…
Type Research project
Time period 2019-03-01 - 2020-01-10
The Nordic Dialogue Forum for LCA, climate and buildings is developed in collaboration with the Nordic building authorities with the purpose is to give input to Nordic harmonization of life cycle assessment of climate emissions…
Type Working group
Time period 2019-10-03 - 2023-03-31
Recommendation and context: the missing links for increased life cycle impact in large industries Journal Article in…
Author Emma Rex, Niklas Fernqvist, Sven-Olof Ryding
This is the project report from the project “Impacts on producers and customers of conflicting rules for LCA”. The aim of the project was increased understanding of the multitude of life cycle assessment frameworks used…
Author Sofia Poulikidou, Kristin Johansson, Henric Lassesson, Johan Nilsson, Pavinee Nojpanya and Tomas Rydberg, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. Miguel Brandão, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Tomas Ekvall, TERRA and Chalmers University of Technology. Katarina Lorentzon, Anna Ekman Nilsson and Jennifer Davis, RISE. Ingrid Nyström, CIT Industriell Energi AB. Anna Wikström and Maria Rydberg, Swedish Life Cycle Center
This is an executive summary (in Swedish) of the project report from the project “Impacts on producers and customers of conflicting rules for LCA”. The aim of the project was increased understanding of the multitude…
Author Tomas Ekvall, TERRA and Chalmers University of Technology and Tomas Rydberg, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
Life Cycle Talks: LCA for optimization in early design phases of buildings. With Alexander Hollberg
Welcome to Life Cycle Talks! A series of talks presenting the research front to keep you up to date with the science and application of the life cycle perspective. Our next guest is Alexander Hollberg,…
Summary ASSIST – Relay industrial supply chain sustainability data, is a feasibility study aimed to better understand companies’ current situation of and needs and potential ways forward of collecting life cycle data and…
Author Anna Hedlund Åström, KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Raul Carlsson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden; Sara Palander, Swedish Life Cycle Center; Tomas Rydberg, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
The year of 2019 has almost come to an end and we are happy to say that is has been a year filled with new collaborations and inspiring network activites. The Swedish Life Cycle Centers…
Webinar: Applying life cycle thinking when assessing climate impact of the Swedish transport system
Transport systems have several unique properties that make them different from many products and services that are analysed with LCA. How can a life cycle perspective be applied in that context? In this webinar, the…
Fuel producers are increasingly affected by conflicting rules for life cycle assessment (LCA). The EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED), the EU framework for Product Environmental Footprints (PEF), and the frameworks of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)…
Type Research project
Time period 2020-06-15 - 2021-12-31
Life Cycle Talks: How is life cycle thinking and LCA applied by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and how is it integrated into EU policy?
Welcome to Life Cycle Talks! A series of talks presenting the research front to keep you up to date with the science and application of the life cycle perspective. Our next guest is Björn Spak,…