EPS (Environmental Priority Strategies in product design) is a systematic approach to choose between design options in product and process development.
Type Research project
Time period 1989-01-16 - 2022-05-31
EPS (Environmental Priority Strategies in product design) is a systematic approach to choose between design options in product and process development.
The EPS system was developed in its first version in the 1990ies for identifying environmental priority strategies in product design and in other situations where there is a need to choose between two or more…
Swedish Life Cycle Center has, through the development of the EPS-method and a number of projects, been discussing monetarization for several years. With this group and related activities we hope to contribute to the discussion and implentation of "right prices".
Background There are many ways to assess and quantify resource efficiency, from simple measures of how much of a particular resource is needed for a particular product to more general measures that…
Content The webinar starts with a presentation of the monetizing project, IMP (Integration of environment and economy in product development gives opportunity for innovations) and the steps that are planned for the step 2 application.
The method for modeling material recycling can have a decisive impact on the environmental assessment of products with a high content of recycled material or material that is recycled after use. How recycling should be modeled in LCA has been discussed since the 90's but no consensus has yet been reached. The project is expected to result in increased competence and in consensus on certain aspects of the modeling of recycling in LCA.
Swedish Life Cycle Center provides LCA data in the CPM LCA Database. It all started as a project engaging partners in CPM (former Swedish Life Cycle Center).
The project intended to strengthen the long-term competitiveness of the manufacturing industry through a pro-active risk management. It considers both environmental aspects as well as economic value, early in the product development phase.
LCA data is used by organizations to measure, follow up and reduce environmental and social impact. For the Swedish life Cycle Center it is important to contribute to making LCA data more accessible and transparent globally and therefor this expert group has been established.
A common platform for knowledge building and collaboration is crucial to spread and develop the life cycle thinking globally. This project aims for a joint national collaboration to engage organizations to apply a life cycle perspective.
The 10th of October 2016, there will be a workshop in Gothenburg within the project Integration of environment and economy in product development gives opportunity for innovation. The workshop will provide opportunities for discussion, as…
She has been there from the start of the Swedish Life Cycle Center and has seen the life cycle perspective reach more and more parts of society. The center’s new chairman, Susan Iliefski-Janols from Essity,…
Welcome to this meeting in the Environment Footprint Expert group. The aim of the group is to follow, understand and impact the development of the Environmental Footprint (EF) methodologies (PEF and OEF). Exchange information and…