Webinar: EU Environmental Footprint – industrial experiences & updates on the policy process

Date:Tuesday, 30 November, 2021 Time:09:00 - 11:30

Welcome to join the webinar EU Environmental Footprint – industrial experiences & updates on the policy process arranged by the Swedish Life Cycle Center within the project Environmental Footprint in Sweden, funded by Vinnova.


The overall aim of the webinar is to give Swedish industry, authorities and the public sector an opportunity to get the latest insights of the Product Environmental Footprint process, latest updates of the Environmental Footprint development and listen to industrial case studies.

Join the webinar

Password: 250281



  • Welcome – Sara Palander, Swedish Life Cycle Center
  • Introduction to Product Environmental Footprint – Katarina Lorentzon, RISE
  • Updates on the EU Environmental Footprint – methodology and policy development – Imola Bedo, European Commission and part of the Environmental Footprint team
  • PEF in Sweden – Björn Spak, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Break
  • Experiences from industrial case studies on Product Environmental Footprint
    • PEF on a steel product – Jonas Larsson, SSAB
    • PEF on a paper product – Carina Larsson, Stora Enso
    • Similarities and differences between PEF and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) – Sofia Poulikidou, IVL
  • Learnings and insights in PEF – Panel discussion
  • Reflections and ways forward – Environmental Footprint in Sweden Project management team


The agenda has been adjusted to open up for more participants to join the seminar.

JOIN THE WEBINAR WITH APPLICATION OR BROWSER: Please, click the button above or the link below to join the conference.

Link to join:


Password: 250281


About Environmental Footprint

As part of the Single Market for Green Products initiative, the European Commission has launched the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and Organizational Environmental Footprint (OEF) methods to ensure quality and increase transparency of environmental information and to facilitate comparisons between products’, services’ and organisations’ environmental performance. The Swedish translation of Environmental Footprint (EF) is Miljöavtryck.

The Product Environmental Footprint has the overall aim to improve the environmental performance of products and services in the European market through a combination of market pressure and policy instruments


About the project: 

Environmental footprint in Sweden – increased competence and communication is a collaborative project conducted within the competence center Swedish Life Cycle Center, at Chalmers University of Technology, with funding from Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency. The project runs from 1 November 2020 to 31 December 2021. The project group consists of LCA experts and researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, KTH, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and has a broad base and involvement of representatives from industry, authorities and industry associations.


Expected project results are examples of the application of the PEF methodology to understand its scope and outcome, a larger Swedish resource and competence base, greater participation in EU processes and increased dissemination of information.


More information about the project, https://www.lifecyclecenter.se/projects/environmental-footprint-in-sweden-increased-competence-and-communication/

Project management team  Katarina Lorentzon (RISE), Karin Sanne (IVL), Björn Spak (Naturvårdsverket) och Sara Palander (Swedish Life Cycle Center)

Project contact  Sara Palandersara.palander@chalmers.se, 031 772 56 40



Make your registration here

Or use the form below to make your registration.


WHEN: November 30, 2021, 09:00-11:30 (CET)
WHERE: Online through Zoom
COST: Free of charge
FOR WHOM?: Public



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