Webinar #1: Innovative LCA tools: Exploring Premise, Activity Browser and Brightway
Welcome to an enlightening session at the Swedish Life Cycle Center, where Associate Professor Bernhard Steubing and Dr. Romain Sacchi will discuss prospective Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This presentation aims to give an overview of the dynamic field of LCA, emphasizing its potential for understanding the future environmental impacts of products and services.
Our speakers will introduce participants to a suite of advanced tools designed to revolutionize the prospective LCA workflow. These include:
- Brightway2, a flexible LCA software framework
- The Activity Browser, an intuitive interface for brightway2, prospective LCA databases and scenario handling
- Premise, a cutting-edge tool for creating and managing prospective LCA databases.
Attendees will gain insights into handling scenarios and performing comprehensive prospective analyses. This session is tailored for both beginners and seasoned professionals in the field of LCA, offering a unique opportunity to enhance your skills and understanding of future-oriented environmental assessments.
- Welcome and introduction
- Presentation
- Q&A
- Sum-up
Bernhard Steubing works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Ecology at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) at Leiden University. Bernhard specializes in the further development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and related methods. He applies these techniques to address sustainability-related questions in energy, electric mobility, the built environment, and other areas. Currently, he dedicates much effort to the advancement of data, methods, and open software for future-oriented, i.e. prospective (or ex-ante) LCA, to provide decision support for the transition to a more circular and sustainable economy. Bernhard is also the founder of the open source LCA software Activity Browser.
Romain Sacchi is a researcher at the Paul Scherrer Institute, within the Technology Assessment Group. He joined the institute in June 2019. His research focuses on the life cycle assessment of future mobility technologies in future contexts. More specifically, Dr. Romain Sacchi investigates various aspects of the electrification of mobility, including prerequisites, opportunities, and challenges under different socio-economic and climate scenarios. Lately, he has developed various LCA models for mobility, including carculator and mobitool, as well as tools for the development of prospective LCA, such as premise.
Join the webinar
Date: Wednesday, March 6th, 2024
Time: 14:00-15:30 CET
Place: Online via Zoom (link has been sent out with the meeting invitation)
Price: Free of charge
For whom: Partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center, SMEs and Government agencies in collaboration with the Center
Yulia Liu, Project Manager
+46 31 772 22 30
[email protected]